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The Importance of Consistent and Stable Returns in Fixed Income Investments
Blog Chris Carsley Blog Chris Carsley

The Importance of Consistent and Stable Returns in Fixed Income Investments

In the vast landscape of investment options, income funds have carved out a significant niche for themselves. Designed to provide a steady income stream to investors, these funds are often comprised of a variety of income-generating assets such as bonds, dividend-paying stocks, and real estate related investments. They play a crucial role in a well-diversified portfolio, particularly for those investors seeking regular income, or those looking for a more conservative investment strategy.

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Why Traditional Investment Diversification May No Longer Be Enough
Blogs/Articles Chris Carsley Blogs/Articles Chris Carsley

Why Traditional Investment Diversification May No Longer Be Enough

Private debt has historically been a source of yield that has low correlation to traditional asset classes. Due to the current condition of the market, more investors are asking us about building a resilient personal investment portfolio, and how diversification and correlation figure into that resilience. Let’s see what we can learn from how Institutional Investors are doing in today's market conditions.

The following paragraphs summarize key points related to diversification published on the CAIA Association website in an article on Institutional Investors' Portfolio Design[1].

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