Not yet ready to go direct with Kirkland Capital Group? You can still invest 👌

Does this sound like you: I’d like to take advantage of the higher returns and lower risk of passive real estate investment; however, I’m not ready to commit the required amount of money for a year to a private real estate investment fund. 

The good news, you have a choice. 

Concreit offers all investors the opportunity to invest alongside private real estate funds and deals, such as with Kirkland Capital Group. Concreit is a technology-driven real estate investing platform that participates in the loans that Kirkland Capital Group originates. The aim of Concreit’s fund is to provide passive income through a frequent & consistent return while striving for the same flexibility you would expect from other short to mid-term financial products. 

Why consider Concreit?

Concreit is great for individuals looking for alternative methods to invest their savings into real estate oriented income. Concreit is building new levels of flexibility to a traditional fund paradigm for all U.S. based investors.

Kirkland Capital Group Concreit
Investor Qualifications Accredited Only All U.S. Citizens/Residents
Redemptions * Quarterly, after 1-year lock up Schedule anytime
Minimum Investment $100,000 $1.00
Auto-Invest No Yes
Dividends ** Monthly Weekly
Real-time Access Yes Yes
Target Yield 9.0%+ 5.0% - 6.0%

* Withdrawals can be scheduled at any time, but are processed upon availability.
** Dividends are distributed only when there is profit to be distributed.

How to get started

You can visit for more information about the company and to review the offering circular.

Concreit Steps.png

Important disclosures:

Investments on the Concreit platform are speculative and contain risks including the complete loss of capital and illiquidity. Additional risks include a limited operating history, blind pool risk, and conflicts of interest. Concreit Fund I has, however, adopted a Redemption Plan whereby investors can submit a redemption request on a monthly basis. The Redemption Plan is designed to provide our investors with limited liquidity on a monthly basis for their investment in Concreit Fund I shares, subject to availability of capital. Investors should read the risk factors in the offering circular prior to making any investment. Certain securities as designated are offered through North Capital Private Securities, member FINRA & SIPC.

Concreit nor any of its subsidiaries or affiliates make investment recommendations, and this message should not be construed as such. This message is not an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any security, which can only be made through official offering documents that contain important information about risks, fees and expenses. Any investment information contained herein has been secured from sources Concreit believes are reliable, but we make no representations or warranties as to the accuracy of such information and accept no liability therefor. We recommend that you consult with a financial advisor, attorney, accountant, and any other professional that can help you to understand and assess the risks associated with any investment opportunity.

Brock Freeman

Brock Freeman serves as the Chief Operating Officer and Managing Partner at Kirkland Capital Group, a leading investment fund manager renowned for its principal preservation and superior returns derived from commercial real estate. He boasts an expansive background in technology, finance, and real estate across both the Asian and American markets. His impressive career portfolio includes diverse finance technology roles within Fortune 500 corporations, alongside his contributions to startups and high-growth entities. Outside of his professional commitments, Brock is an avid skiing and hiking enthusiast. He holds a distinguished position on the National Small Business Association Leadership Council and harbors a deep-rooted passion for U.S. Taiwan relations. Brock is an alumnus of the esteemed Foster School of Business at the University of Washington.

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